Vic Mensa Raises for Chicago Homeless During the Arctic Blast

The Midwest is no stranger to freezing temperatures but this week, the Midwest approached all-time record values prompting them to be called life-threating temperatures. Wednesday has the potential to be one of the coldest days in Chicago history with a high temperature of 8 degrees. While some people have the luxury of staying warm during this time, many people who live on the street do not. Rapper Vic Mensa and his Save Money Save Life Foundation teamed up with Healthy Hood Chicago to make sure those who are less fortune have the necessities to survive the Arctic cold blast.

In an Instagram video, he says, “Chicago, as you know, it’s cold as fuck right now what you may not be thinking about is those without a roof over their head to protect them from this weather. As the temperature drops to beneath 30 degrees in the next two days, people will die. My foundation is taking donations that are going to be used to feed 50 people three meals a day for the next two days while the weather is at its worse. Please, if you have the resources to we are accepting sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, food, and money. We have Venmo. If you have the possibility to, we need this help.”

This isn’t the first time Mensa has given back to his community. In August, he gave back to the community with anti-bait trucks. Mensa brought four trucks filled them with shoes and gave them to anyone who may need them. In a statement to Fox 32, Mensa said, “It feels great we’ve received so much support from around the globe. People in Europe and people in Africa have all donated shoes for us. Now, these kids, almost every kid in Englewood gets to go to school with a new pair of shoes on. It’s going to be so good to see kids walking down the street because I’m going to say, I know where you got those from.”
