Fans React to ‘Game of Thrones’ Series Finale

After eight years of warfare, incest, and stabbing Game of Thrones has finally come to an end.

Following the premiere of episode 73, many fans didn’t get the ending they were looking for. Years of build-up ended with an arguably rushed conclusion. If you didn’t watch the finale yet you might want to stop reading beyond this point because a spoiler alert is ahead.


HBO’s successful series ended with Bran the Broken taking a seat on the Iron Throne, and becoming Protector of the Seven Six Kingdoms. But of course, he already knew that but of course, this didn’t make sense to many viewers.

Especially because it was revealed that Jon Snow was the rightful heir to the throne but after everything he went through, including killing his aunt/former lover, Danaerys, he went back to the Night Watch. There’s also no wall to protect and nothing to fight against since they won the war against the dead. But Sansa and Arya both get what they’ve always wanted in life. Meanwhile, Tyrion slips through the fingers of death for the umpteenth time and makes the ultimate decision.

Anyway, here’s some takes on Twitter about the final episode. Last week a petition was launched to re-write the eighth season of Game of Thrones, but the odds of that happening is slim. All entitlement aside, it’s clear the series finale ruffled a couple of feathers.

Check out some reactions below: