In one year, Dana Chanel and Prince Donnell have disrupted the tax industry by playing the game on their own terms. The Philadelphia couple founded Jumping Jack Taxes in 2018. Jumping Jack Taxes is a user-friendly mobile application, where users can receive tax consultation by licensed tax preparers and financial professionals based on their zip code. The success of Jumping Jack Taxes speaks for itself. It is the fastest-growing tax business in the United States and anyone can profit from it. You don’t have to be an accountant or a CPA.
Dana and Donnell built a need-based, 7-figure business in less than one year by leveraging one of the biggest industries in the world, licensing. Every financial professional on Jumping Jack Taxes is not only educated on the how-to of conducting a tax business but marketing one as well.
In addition to Jumping Jack Taxes, the couple also runs four other mobile platforms: Sprinkle of Jesus, Curl Bible, Credit Exterminators, and Alakazamapps. Dana Chanel is the founder of Sprinkle of Jesus. The mobile app is the largest online ministry in the world with over 5 million users. With the use of subliminal marketing, Chanel built Sprinkle of Jesus. She sent out a tweet to target the top-10 pastors in the United States to feature on the mobile app. Dana had already built a following as the most influential Christian on the internet. As a result, the congregations of those pastors began to tag their pastors. Over the course of three months, Sprinkle of Jesus had over 250 churches and non-profit users.
The conception of need-based businesses guarantees financial freedom. Through their businesses, Dana Chanel and Prince Donnell offer both the education and the opportunity to apply it. They continue to push the narrative that anyone can achieve generational wealth.