Omarosa Publicly Suggests Trump is Out for Revenge

As the debate continues to surround the highly contentious impeachment hearings, former White House official Omarosa Manigault Newman is sharing her thoughts on what her former reality star-turned president boss, Donald Trump, may be thinking heading into the holiday season: revenge.

Newman joined MSNBC’s Kendis Gibson in a segment yesterday in which she shared her insight as to what Trump is likely doing since he went on holiday to Mar-a-Lago, where he will be spending Christmas with his family away from Washington D.C. Noting that it’s expected to rain much of the next few days in Mar-a-Lago, she mused that Trump will likely have a lot of time on his hands- time that he will most likely use to spend indoors enjoying one of his favorite past time activities as of lately: tweeting.

Newman made the following statement: “You know, he tweeted back when we were doing Celebrity Apprentice that ‘revenge was sweet not fattening. “He actually loves the idea of getting even. In fact, he writes about it in many of his books about getting even with anybody that crosses him.”

As for his holiday tweets, Newman suggests that he’s likely to focus on who is on his “naughty” list this year, namely Nancy Pelosi, who as Speaker of the House, is largely responsible for heading up the impeachment hearings. She stated that based on her expierence, this was typical.

“I even remember talking with him during transition. He kept a list of people who he believes has wronged him. And recently as you know with impeachment, that list has grown and he is going through that list, and he trying to figure out ways to undermine them whether that’s through policy, whether that’s through calling them names or trying to attack them publicly, but Donald Trump will find a way, in his mind, even fighting with people who are deceased, to get even.”

Newman, a Harvard graduate and former reality star on Trump’s show The Apprentice, worked at the White House for almost a year until she was fired in December of 2017.