By: Amira Lawson
A petition has begun, totaling around 460,000 signatures. The petition was started by customers who want Target to begin using anti-plastic bags in efforts to save the environment. The petition says that Target bags are, “choking the Earth.” It reads, “2 million single-use plastic bags are consumed every minute. These bags often wind up in waterways and our landscape, degrading water and soil as they break down into tiny toxic bits. These bags have a massive carbon footprint. “
In efforts to address their customer’s concerns, Target sent out a response. ”At Target, we’re committed to putting solutions in place that leave the planet better for future families to enjoy. We have many initiatives in place to help reduce our use of plastic, including sustainable packaging goals, plastic bags that are now made with 40 percent recycled content, a 25-year commitment to recycling plastic garment hangers and Target’s work as a global signatory of the New Plastics Economy.”
Target has added recycling kiosk in their store for customers to use in order to give shoppers the opportunity to recycle shopping bags.