Donald Trump’s impeachment trial kicked off and there were a few notable moments from day 1. The most savory moment was US Congressman Hakeem Jeffries quoting the Notorious B.I.G. in an epic mic drop moment.

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Rep. Jeffries ended his opening argument calling for the subpoena of Mick Mulvaney. He also answered Trump’s legal attorney, Jay Sekulow, who questioned the validity of the trial: “Why are we here?” Sekulow proposed.

“We are here, sir, because President Trump corruptly abused his power and then he tried to cover it up,” Jeffries said. “And we are here, sir, to follow the facts, follow the law, be guided by the Constitution, and present the truth to the American people. That is why we are here, Mr. Sekulow.”


Jeffries wrapped it up with a well-known line from the late Brooklyn rapper. “And if you don’t know, now you know,” he said from the hit single, “Juicy.”

Many people were raving at the moment including U.S. attorney general Eric Holder.