In partnership with Big Fish Entertainment, Snapchat launched their new Driven series to highlight the relationship between Hip Hop and luxury cars. Gucci Mane and his wife, Keyshia Ka’oir Davis, Rich The Kid, Tory Lanez and Swae Lee are just a few of the many stars that appear on the show.
PTG365 which stands for Price Too Good, was founded by Dave Obaseki, Eric Whitehead and Brandon Medford. The trio deliver luxury cars to A-list clients in record-breaking time and even have a door delivery option. In addition to helping celebs, they also help everyday people get affordable and reliable cars. Last year they made it their mission to help over 100 moms get safe transportation for their kids which landed them a Forbes Under 30 feature.
In the first episode Swae Lee requests the Lamborghini Urus to be delivered to his home in less than 24 hours and despite many obstacles, PTG gets the job done. Driven was released just a week ago and is already the #1 show on Snapchat.
The brand continues to grow with the launch of the new app CARS365, which now allows them to help anyone around the world with their automotive needs. PTG365 Auto offers a red-carpet car buying experience with locations in New York, Los Angeles, Miami and Atlanta. Committed to making their buyers vehicle purchase as easy as possible from approval to drive-off, the co-founders created their company to cater to all of their clients and have them be able to be apart of PTG365 revolution.