Brooklyn’s own Drxppy Gxd Hit the Streets with a New Single Celebrating his Lifestyle in ‘Race’

Brooklyn born star and Sound Museum Records songwriter /  recording artist Drxppy Gxd graces us with a catchy street anthem “RACE ” which is an emotional street romance with a familiar story behind it. Drxppy Gxd has a deep passion for the music he sets out to create.  Drxppy says “It was about 3-4 in the morning in the studio & it was pretty much just me and the engineer at this point because everyone else was asleep. I was cycling through a number of beats and when I heard the race beat, I don’t know there was just something about it that caught my eye. We loaded it up and before you know it, in like 15 – 20 mins I freestyled the whole track”. On this release “RACE” Drxppy creative process was unique to the beat, he said “The energy we had in the studio even though it was so late at night everything was great vibes, the bars just came naturally. While remaining disciplined and focused on his craft, Drxppy  like the rest of us finds safety in his art and dives deep into it from the start. Drxppy hopes his song “race” will be playing on every radio station and from every iphone and car stereo system! “This is it, this the one” he says. Drxppy goal with his new release is for people to hear the record and feel like running a race! “ The song is meant to get the blood pumping and ready. This is the song you play while your drag racing on the i95 highway blindfolded because that’s how you live your life” says Drxppy !

The world could look forward to another project from Sounds Museum lead artist Drxppy GxD with tons of features from a lot of familiar faces. Drxppy is set to release visuals  back to back in the upcoming months. “ We’ve been shooting movies like Steven Spielberg back in the town so I think the people have a lot to look forward to from the Sounds Museum team” -Drxppy. Check out the link below and look out for more music from the Brooklyn Rockstar Drxppy Gxd. Instagram: @drxppygxdsm  / YouTube Channel: Drxppy Gxd. We can’t wait to see the energy that comes out when you hear the records.  You can follow Drxppy Gxd  on social media at@drxppygxdsm