Hailing from East Flatbush & Crown Heights’ Brooklyn Avenue, CxT GZUS (pronounced Cat Jesus) manifests music that represents the 3.6 miles of unleveled concrete in between the two men and their respective neighborhoods, which are known largely for their dense Caribbean population, vibrant colors and violence. But CxT GZUS skips all bravado in the interest of exposing and tending to their emotional wounds.
Over a film-like soundscape, entirely produced by Victorious De Costa (Digging for Weldon Irvine), Haile Ali (a 20 something year old Martial Arts instructor) relays his most private thoughts of PTSD, Survivor’s Guilt, Unrequited Love, and the Shame, Anger & Inner Torment that lies in wait for all active and former warriors.
CxT GZUS’ genre-defying debut album I Hurt It All Before was designed to be therapeutic for both victims and inflictors of violence; and eye opening for many more. I Hurt It All Before includes features with Joell Ortiz, Skyzoo, Che Noir and She Real.
Following their buzz single, Build Trust (for Toyin Salau), CxT GZUS’ lead offering – Votive Candles, speaks on an age old tradition of candle lighting in memory of the departed.
Finally, the other side of the street is purely expressed – and it’s the inside.