Artists of the Hip-Hop community are embracing Bishop Lamor Miller Whitehead. He has caught the attention of the likes of , Comedian FatBoy, Hip-Hop Artist Fivio Foreign, Rapper Dusty Locane, the Queen of Dancehall Spice, and more with his powerful messages. As the Pastor of Leaders of Tomorrow International Ministries both of Brooklyn & Atlanta, GA – he delivers straight forward messages to the congregation that are relatable to their lives. Bishop Whitehead does not hold any punches when it comes to sharing his experience and what GOD has done in his life. He makes no apologies for his mistakes. However, these things are not important, but they are a part of him. He owns it.
People love that about him. He has found himself in the news because he is the 1stgeneration descendant of someone who was brutally killed by the police in 1978. “Although he was a baby when his father was taken from him, he dealt with that loss like any young black child growing up without him. There were so many lessons he had to learn the hard way because his father was not around. He took that to the chin and did what he had to do to survive in the rough streets of Brooklyn. That’s what makes his testimony even stronger,” stated his Publicist Lynn Hobson.
IG: BishopLamorMWhitehead