One musician, who goes by the name of Jericho Jyant, is pushing hip-hop to a whole new level in a world where the genre has often served as a platform for provocative lyrics and hard-hitting sounds. This rap pioneer, who is from Atlanta, the city known for its thriving music scene, is back with his new track, “Sedatives,” and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard before — unless you’ve experienced a rap-induced out-of-body experience, that is.

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Not your typical hip-hop musician, Jericho Jyant is unique. He’s not only there to drop beats—he’s also there to raise some eyebrows, drop some jaws, and shake some beliefs. He initially made a splash on the music world in 2019 with his first song, “Water from Wine,” and has since established a resume that rivals a squirrel high on coffee. With only one taste, you’d believe you were partaking in a poetic wine tasting.

However, that was just the very beginning. In the year 2023, Jericho is upending the hip-hop industry with his most recent album, “My Soul Is Hip Hop.” This record is very up-to-date; it reminds me of a rap salad with extra swagger dressing.


The key topic at this point is “Sedatives.” If you thought combining peanut butter and jelly was innovative, wait till you hear this song. Jericho bravely plunges into the depths of self-expression, fusing the holy with the profane with the dexterity of a trapeze artist tossing holy water and fireworks. He serves you a feast of words that will blow your mind while the rhythms are so contagious that they need to have a warning label. He’s like a philosophical chef.

However, the whole sensory experience is what is drawing attention, not simply the music. The “Sedatives” album cover art is a visual depiction of Jericho’s risk-taking attitude to art, and it is like a kaleidoscope of originality and controversy. 

While sporting a cloak woven from beats and a crown composed of lyrics, he is not just pushing limits but pole-vaulting over them.

Thus, “Sedatives” by Jericho Jyant is the remedy you didn’t realize you were waiting for, whether you’re a hip-hop aficionado or simply someone seeking for a musical voyage that’ll make your soul dance. You won’t want to miss a single rhythm or lyrical turn because this is going to be one crazy voyage through the world of rap, so buckle up.

Visit Jericho Jyant’s website if you want to experience more surreal musical journeys and have a front-row seat to the revolution. 

About The Author

The Source Magazine Staff Writer

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