Detroit emcee Lazarus, known for his intricate lyricism and powerful delivery, continues to make waves in the music industry. Following the success of his recent single “Scalpel” with Mr. Porter, which amassed over 5 million views on YouTube, Lazarus is back with a new track that’s set to elevate his career even further. His latest single, “God Sent Me,” features production by none other than FredWreck, one of Aftermath Entertainment’s Grammy Award-winning producers.

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FredWreck, whose real name is Farid Nassar, has a long history of creating hits for some of the biggest names in hip-hop including Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Ice Cube and 50 Cent. His collaboration with Dr. Dre’s Aftermath Entertainment has cemented his reputation as a powerhouse producer, known for his distinctive sound and ability to craft beats that perfectly complement an artist’s style. He is currently producing tracks for Eminem’s latest album and also for the new album by Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg. Teaming up with Lazarus, FredWreck brings his A-game to “God Sent Me,” blending hard-hitting guitar riffs and heavy drums to create a backdrop that allows Lazarus to shine with his bars.

“God Sent Me” showcases Lazarus’s lyrical prowess and ability to tell a compelling story through his music. The track delves into themes of perseverance, faith, and destiny, reflecting Lazarus’s journey in the music industry and his unwavering belief in his craft. In an age of rap music that is less concerned with meaningful lyrics and technical skillset and more driven by mumble rapping, Lazarus is a godsend by taking us back to the glory days of rap with this record, hence the title of the song. FredWreck’s production enhances the emotional depth of the song, making it a powerful and memorable listening experience.


The collaboration between Lazarus and FredWreck is a testament to the mutual respect and creative synergy between the artist and the producer. With “God Sent Me,” Lazarus continues to push the boundaries of hip-hop, delivering a track that is both introspective and inspiring. As he continues to break boundaries in the music scene, fans can look forward to more groundbreaking music from this talented emcee. “God Sent Me” is a testament to Lazarus’s artistry and the skillful production of FredWreck, making it a must-listen for hip-hop enthusiasts. The music video, directed by the world famous Matt Alonzo, is now available on YouTube and the song is streaming on all major platforms.

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The Source Magazine Staff Writer

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