Here we go. 50 Cent is under fire after making light of Tracy Morgan’s unfortunate courtside vomiting incident during the New York Knicks vs. Miami Heat game on Monday. The rapper, 49, took to Instagram to share a graphic photo of Morgan getting sick during the third quarter, accompanied by a caption that read, “Damn Tracy WTF going on bro. Too much Branson cognac. LOL.”
ICYMI, the post sparked widespread criticism online, with many calling out 50 Cent for his insensitive remarks. Morgan, who had to be escorted from the event in a wheelchair, was the subject of concern rather than ridicule for most fans. One user on X commented, “50 cent too old to be childish like that,” while another added, “I don’t wish bad on ppl but 50.” A since-deleted comment on 50 Cent’s Instagram simply stated, “How classy.”
The warranted backlash extended beyond 50 Cent, as some also criticized the photographers who captured the moment. On Reddit, one user expressed sympathy for Morgan, writing, “I wish they didn’t take his photo like that. He’s been through a lot and has health issues. He deserves a little more respect.”
The unfortunate incident briefly interrupted Monday night’s game, with the Madison Square Garden announcer informing the crowd that the delay was due to a fan “lost the contents of their stomach courtside.” While the situation was undoubtedly uncomfortable for Morgan, 50 Cent’s decision to publicly mock him has drawn ire from fans and critics alike.
As the story continues to circulate online, we can expect many to call for greater empathy and respect, especially given Morgan’s well-documented health challenges in recent years. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of kindness, particularly when others may be vulnerable.