Don Lemon Supported Stop-And-Frisk Today & Twitter Is Thrashing Him

Trevor Live: An Evening Benefiting The Trevor Project

This is awkward.

Don Lemon, a well-known CNN analyst, has been in the news before for his controversial views on issues facing the black, inner-city, and lower middle-class communities, especially during the conversations that were spawned in the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin trial. However, today, Lemon was a guest on a BlackAmericaWeb radio broadcast and he all but fully endorsed the controversial, Stop-And-Frisk policy set forth by the NYPD.


So the question is: would you rather be politically correct or safe and alive? That’s the real issue facing the citizens of New York and, pretty soon, ultimately you.

That final comment was in addition to a slew of other comments that included the fact that in his opinion, most Hispanics and other minorities generally don’t have a problem with Stop-And-Frisk, and alluded to the fact that this mayoral election is especially imperative because depending on the candidate that wins the election, Stop-And-Frisk could be done away with, which, according to Lemon, wouldn’t be a good thing at all.

It’s been a rough year for Lemon in the public eye, but this may be his lowest point yet, and Twitter has fully embraced it. Introducing: #DonLemonOn, which is a hashtag mockingly and satirically reporting on what Don Lemon’s views might be on serious issues, especially those affecting the African-American community. Work your way through the slideshow and enjoy these tweets. They’re hilarious.

-Khari Nixon (@KingVanGogh)