In 2009, the Earth, for the first time, stopped its primordial path around the Sun. With one swift swoop, Justin Bieber and his gloriously shining bowl cut rendered our Star practically useless. We were no longer living in just the regular globe or society; we became more, taken the next and final evolutionary step towards perfection: witnesses and participants in the creation of the Unitarian Belieber Nation.
While the bowl cut has met its unfortunate demise, Justin, our benevolent deity, continues strong. His music constantly maturing, even if his antics paint a picture of his immaturity to bystanders, has helped a countless number of listeners and fans to get through the tough moments of life, nurturing a bond that is too strong for words. Perhaps you look pimply today, Bieber has a song for you; maybe you girl is trying to step out on you, Beiber has a song for you; what if you just got sentenced to a twenty five year bid, well Beiber doesn’t have you on that one, but maybe one of his rapper pals does. He has become one of the voices of this tumblr, internet crazed, generation—the kids your grandparents feel more disappoint towards than you.
This group of intense fans has taken to calling themselves Beliebers, and they are not joking in their passion for the twenty year old singer. Today, they celebrate their Belieber Birthday, which could only have taken place on Twitter. A lot of participants gushed about their warranted love for Justin, while others took a more democratic approach, praising the work that the entire family had done this past year. It is an interesting phenomenon to say the least. However, when going through some of the tweets, there was so much positivity and love being spread that you had to feel some type of way—mostly happy, confused, and further intrigued. To celebrate the lives of Justin’s fans, we decided to compile some of the most inspirational quotes from this outpouring of support. If you are down in the dumps, this can be your five hour energy, a reminder to always stay true to oneself. Additionally, we could always use a reminder of why we are so lucky to Belieb in such a wonderfully majestic leader like Bieber.
Jimi (@Nativejimi)