Her Source | 7 Reasons Why SZA is ‘Bae’

Only one word can fully describe TDE’s first lady SZA. Bae.

The beautiful songstress has captured the scene by storm. From her vocals to her big beautiful crown screen-shot-2013-10-16-at-1-43-05-pmof glory better known as her hair, SZA carries all the components of the perfect ‘bae’. As we anticipate the release of her debut album, Z, Her Source breaks down why this alluring alternative singer is ‘bae’.

-Nicole Scarlett, @nicoleScarlett_



1. Her Perfectly Placed Freckles

Freckles, the concentration of melanin, are a natural work of art. SZA’s freckles are indeed a masterpiece. Placed so gracefully  on her brown skin, her freckles are to die for.