Boston Duo, Notoriety, Release New Jazz-Infused Single, “Outsiders”

notoriety, gainerz, brockton, boston, the ground table, vydle sinez, incredible chuck

Outsiders is the first single off of Notoriety‘s upcoming mixtape, The Ground Table, and aims to touch home with those who feel lost, confused or are just unsure where they belong. Whether it be in one particular situation or an existential life question, feeling this way is not uncommon and Notoriety can relate.

Brockton, Mass’s Vydle Sinez and Incredible Chuck lace a smooth, yet dramatic, 5-minute flow over a beautiful Blended Babies-produced Jazz horn backdrop as Chuck comes in throughout with soulful singing to highlight the emotion being released, balancing the song out just right. Say goodbye to cliché lines, fads and lyrics and welcome something refreshing. On the inside, we all feel like outsiders.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Though it does not yet have a release date, The Ground Table is a compilation project which Notoriety created in order to bring all of their favorite Boston artists together. Each song, aside from Outsiders, will have at least one feature from a local, indie emcee and the production will also be provided by local producers. In an age where every individual is aiming to reign supreme, a unifying project such as this one is long overdue.

Follow Notoriety:

Matt Whitlock – @mattwhitlockPM