The man behind the movies you love
“Academy Originals” is the Academy’s first web series which examines everything from the creative process to the moments and concepts that have changed the course of what people think of film making. With new episodes posted every Monday, this series has already gotten over a million views since starting in May, talking about the artists who have changed the future and have been a big influence in our past. The latest one was capturing the moments and creative process from one of the industry’s “Creative Sparks.” John August is a screenwriter who has been a part of movies that have grown to become classics to many of us such as “Charlie’s Angels” to “Big Fish” to even “Frankenweenie.” The man he is most notably connected with and works with frequently is the infamous Tim Burton, and in this personal clip, he explains his creative process and how he has made some of his most notable scripts into what can only help define what the concept of “movie magic” is.
-Vinesh Vora (@vineshv1206)