Today in Selma, Alabama many people gather to commemorate the march are greeted with a billboard that is causing quite a stir on the anniversary
Today marks the 50th anniversary of the violent marches in Selma, Alabama. As visitors drive past a billboard, they will see something that will not only bring back memories, but anger. A confederate group called Friends of Forrest, felt that they wanted to honor the KKK founder Nathan Bedford Forrest by putting up a billboard not too far from the very bridge where the protests took place 50 years ago. The picture shows Forrest on a horse with,
Keep the skeer on ’em”
On the back of the billboard, Selma Post Herald sends a welcome message to President Barack Obama. Welcomes President Barack Obama and you to Selma.”
Is this a coincidence, or some people subliminally trying to scare away visitors from Selma?
– Ballah-moni Kollie (@Gottadream87)
It’s called the 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech rights. Sharpton, Luis Guitterez, Farrakhan, Obama, Holder, etc can espouse their rhetoric. So can the Friends of Forrest group. Equal representation is what it is called.