“In My Father’s House” Documentary by Rhymefest Premieres At Tribeca Film Festival

Rhymefest documents his quest to find and help his father in film screened in NYC.

The “Jesus Walks” co-writer Rhymefest debuted his documentary, In My Father’s House, at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City.

The audience watched in awe as the documentary followed Rhymefest’s reunion with his father, who abandoned him as a kid and battled alcoholism. Rhymefest faced many challenges while trying to get his dad clean and on the right track. Click here to check out the trailer.


The film is showing again April 17 at the Bow Tie Cinemas in Chelsea, New York and on Sunday, April 19 at the Regal Cinemas in Battery Park.

You can find Ebbony on Twitter, @miss2bees