President Obama is Skipping Nancy Reagan’s Funeral to Deliver Keynote Speech At SxSW

Over the weekend, Nancy Reagan, one of the most high-profile First Lady’s this country has ever experienced, passed away at the age of 94, prompting the entire nation to enter a state of remembrance and reflection. Barack Obama, the current POTUS, was one of those people, and he and current First Lady Michelle Obama paid tribute to a fallen White House hallmark with a joint statement earlier this week, but only Michelle will  be attending the funeral services for the late Mrs. Reagan. Instead, Barack will head down to Austin, Texas as planned, where he is a keynote speaker during Entertainment Week at the interactive media and technology festival, South by Southwest (often styled as SxSW).

Naturally, this will send tidal waves through popular media, and President Obama’s detractors likely already have hard-ons thinking of how much criticism they will throw his way on their respective talk shows this week. The GOP Twitter account didn’t waste any time.
