On Friday, May 6, actress Kaitlin Doubleday, also known as Rhonda Lyon on Empire, married DJ Devin Lucien during a private ceremony in Big Sur, California. The couple got engaged last year at Le Marais in Paris. Show creator Lee Daniels was in attendance, of course, and he shared the happy news on his Instagram page.
Daniels also shared another video from the bash featuring Gabourey Sidibe. He wished her a happy birthday.
#empire posse celebrating @kaitlindday wedding & @gabby3shabby b’day!! ❤️?❤️?????????? A video posted by Lee Daniels (@theoriginalbigdaddy) on
Just last month, Kaitlin’s co-stars Grace Gealey and Trai Byers wed in a private ceremony at a mansion on Grand Cayman Island.
The next Empire episode airs on Wednesday, May 11 at 9 p.m. EST/8 p.m. CST