Damian Lillard Forced To Take Lil Wayne Off ‘The Letter O’ Album

In the past, Hip Hop has witnessed a fair share of athletes who’ve attempted to be rappers like Hall of Famers, Allen Iverson and Shaquille O’Neal to say the least. But more recently, Damian Lillard is changing the game or intertwining the two per say.

A week before his 2016 NBA Season Opener, Lillard whose goes by Dame D.O.L.L.A. when it comes to music, released his debut album The Letter O. Since it’s release fans have been raving at how impressive the album is, and maybe a bit surprised that a rapper finally succeeded at being exceptionally well at sports and music, simultaneously.

The Letter O is a 12-track compilation featuring Lil Wayne, Jamie Foxx, Marsha Ambrosius, Juvenile, and Rapael Saadiq to name a few. Furthermore, Lillard took to Twitter a few hours before his standoff with the Utah Jazz to announce a sudden change in his album’s features lineup. He informed his followers that he was being forced to remove Lil Wayne from the ‘Loyal to the Soil’ track. His tweets read as follows:


It’s very unfortunate that the Cash Money and Lil Wayne beef must continue, and even more so under such circumstances where it interferes with the simplicity of the art, creative collaborations, and the compromising of other artists’ masterpieces. Despite the minor setback, congratulations to Damian Lillard on not one, but two wins in the past week, and hopefully a multitude more to come from music and sports alike.