Donald Glover retired his musical alter ego Childish Gambino earlier this year. However, Glover gave an interview during the Emmys red carpet backstage that confirmed that Gambino will be coming out of hiatus to collaborate with Chance The Rapper. He gave an insight about not liking to be pressured into doing music, but he confirmed that the joint project is on its way.
You know music, I don’t ever wanna do anything because I’m forced to. I think once you do that, like, things start to get bad, you jump the shark. Also, I feel like, if I don’t make a Chance The Rapper mixtape, like double mixtape, a bunch of 14-year-old’s are gonna kick my ass. So—they stop me on the street and it’s kinda scary. So I feel like I gotta do something, and I probably will.
This confirmation follows Glover’s historic win at the 2017 Emmys last night, September 18th. He won Outstanding Lead Actor and Directing in Comedy Series for Atlanta, and received a nod for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series. Making him the first Black director to win an Emmy in comedy. “I want to thank Trump for making black people No. 1 on the most oppressed list,” Glover said during his speech. “He’s the reason I’m probably up here.” He also takes the time to thank his growing family for motivation.