Jemele Hill Drags Megyn Kelly for Demanding Apology to NASCAR Fans

Megyn Kelly couldn’t wait to go after Jemele Hill after the FBI reported that the noose found hanging from Black NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace’s garage was not a racist attack. The former Fox News anchor called on Hill to retract her statement on the fans of NASCAR.

“Now that we know the Bubba Wallace ‘noose’ was not a racist attack at all, will Jemele Hill apologize to the NASCAR fans she unfairly besmirched,” Kelly said on Twitter.

On Monday, the columnist for The Atlantic made an appearance on MSNBC to discuss the noose incident calling the situation a “disgusting reminder of who this sport is for.”


Prior to the noose incident, Wallace had appeared on CNN calling for the banning of the confederate flag from events, a request that was honored by NASCAR. The change upset many fans of the sport and lead to protests in the form of fans flying confederate flags across the street from the Talladega Speedway in Alabama.

“I’m old enough to remember NASCAR banning the Confederate flag from races a couple weeks ago,” Hill said in response to Kelly. “Let me go pray to white Jesus for Megyn Kelly,” Hill said in jest of an old Kelly File segment where Kelly infamously proclaimed that Jesus and Santa Claus are white.

The Former ESPN Host kept the pressure on Kelly retweeting a post where Megyn Kelly defended the flying of the confederate flag.

NASCAR released a statement following the FBI’s concluded investigation revealing that Wallace was not the victim of a hate crime and rather that the noose was in the garage since last Fall. Hill defended her stance saying that regardless of the target, a noose was still hanging from the garage.