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Tim Tebow Bill gets passed in Texas

Things may not be going to well on the field for Tim Tebow at the moment, but on the bright side he does have a bill named after him. Texas’ Senate has recently passed the ‘Tim Tebow Bill,’ what is the ‘Tim Tebow Bill’ you ask? This bill will allow home-schooled high school athlete’s to play for local high school teams in their area. Currently in Texas home-schooled athletes have a separate league that they play in where quite frankly the competition isn’t as high as the other high school leagues.


The reason why this bill is named after the free agent quarterback is because Tebow himself was home-schooled during his high school years. The difference in Florida was that Tebow was able to play for his local high school team (Nease High School).

This bill does make sense though because if you’re a tax payer and your son is home-schooled shouldn’t he be allowed to use the facilities and public places that your taxes pay for?

– John McAuliffe (@John_Mac310)

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