Hit Boy: “Backseat Freestyle Was Originally Ciara’s Record”

hit lead

The song was actually supposed to be called “Hit Boy”

There have been some interesting stories of producers giving records to unsuspecting recipients, but this one might be one of the best as of late. In an exclusive interview with theSTASHED, Hit-Boy reveals that Backseat Freestyle was originally meant to be a Ciara single, titled “Hit Boy”. However, after industry insiders spoke about it on Twitter, nothing tangible happened with the song, and Hit-Boy eventually moved on from that prospect. That instrumental became “Backseat Freestyle” after one Kendrick Lamar “randomly” showed up at Hit’s place of residence, and claimed the beat as his own. The rest is history, as you may very well already know. Watch the rest of part 1 of Hit-Boy’s interview with theSTASHED, and try to imagine “Backseat” on Ciara’s album.


-Khari Nixon (@KingVanGogh)