Sneak Peak At Wiz Khalifa’s Converse Collection

wizkhalifabyconversePhotos of Wiz’s upcoming converse collection dropping next Friday.

On August 23rd, next Friday, Wiz Khalifa’s Converse collection will finally drop in stores. The retail price is currently unknown, but they will release in all Footlockers.

While keeping the classic Converse look, Wiz’s collection has unique aspects to it. From all leather, to camo with studded tounges, blue camouflage soles, and camouflage inner-lining, this colection definitely is something to look forward to for us Converse lovers.


I know I will be getting multiple pair. Will you? Take a look at the photo’s, and decide what you think of Wizzle man’s Converse Collection.

– Trey Anthony(@treyanthony16)