Report: Oklahoma State Players Got Paid During Les Miles Era

les miles

Sports Illustrated report reveals players took money at OSU

Another day another collegiate sports scandal.


The latest in collegiate sports scandals comes to light today following a Sports Illustrated report. In the report eight former Oklahoma State players say they received cash payments during their time at OSU. The report also has the players naming at least 29 other former players who received money as well.

Thomas Wright who was a defensive back at OSU from 2002-2004 had this to say,
“It was just like in life when you work. The better the job you do, the more money you make.”

Players received various amounts of cash depending on how well they played. Some players received $2,000-$10,000 annual with some even making $25,000 a year. Sports Illustrated’s report also goes as far as naming academic misconduct and tolerated drug use. The most surprising statement from the report is that Oklahoma State took a page out of He Got Game and had members of the hostess program have sex with visitors.

“I can tell you this: We have always done things right,” says Les Miles who is at the center of all this (Miles was head coach from 2001-20014). Miles was not the only person to deny these reports.

Josh Fields a former quarterback was named in the report as one of those who received money. Fields denied the allegation that he took money while poking some potential holes in this story.

“Anyone that played at OSU or is from Stillwater knows those guys [quoted] are not credible. If you thought guys were getting paid, why not prominent players instead of backups and third-string guys?”

The story will surely dominate headlines going forward this college football season, so check back as this story develops.

– John McAuliffe (@John_Mac310)

Source – ESPN