Rihanna’s instagram use to be a place where onlookers could catch a glimpse of the pop star posing in risque outfits all around the globe or where fans could escape with their favorite singer partaking in a luxurious lifestyle that few will truly ever be able to enjoy. However, Rhi Rhi’s account has been at the center of some scathing debate.
Today, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Centre in Abu Dhabi issued a statement politely asking the singer and her party to leave the premises after photos surfaced on her instagram. She was in the area because of her Diamond World Tour. The Mosque photo shoot was impromptu and all though she was dressed more conservatively than usual, staff were still not fans of the final product.
According to the statement released, the photos were “inconsistent with the sanctity of this religious place.”
“While the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Centre always welcomes visitors and tourists from all around the world, it also calls on everyone to adhere to the moral codes of access to the mosque and to its visit regulations, which the Centre always makes sure are clear to all its visitors throughout the day.”
Fans will remember that last month, two men were arrested because of another photo found on Rihanna’s instagram. However, this incident won’t have such grave repercussion, it just means that the pop star might not be welcomed into any mosques soon.
Jimi (@Nativejimi)
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