Nothing screams out “trying too hard” louder than photoshopping yourself next to your favorite celebrities. In photoshop expert Peejet’s case, he has become some what of an Instagram celebrity himself by posting pictures of himself photoshopped with celebrities like Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Jay Z, Kanye West, Beyonce and more. His hilarious take on celebrities, photoshop and the combination of the two is why we’ve complied his most hilarious pictures. With his social media celebrity points adding up as more and more people follow him, one can only wonder if the day will come where a new photoshopper will give Peejet a taste of his own medicine.
We had a chance to chop it up with Peejet, check out the interview below.
How did you get into Photoshopping yourself with celebrities? How was the idea born?
I don’t remember how the idea was born. I would just make these stupid pictures to make my friends laugh. Eventually it just sort of blew up.
Have you had any of the celebrities you’ve photoshopped with reach out to you? If so, who? How was the experience?
I haven’t had any direct contact with the celebs I’ve photoshopped with besides on twitter and instagram. All have been positive reactions. I’ve hung around some of their friends/colleagues and they all found it hilarious.
If you could make any of your pictures a reality which one would it be and why?
Probably the one where I’m tackling Miguel at the Billboard Awards. I could have saved that poor girl from that massive leg drop.
What is Peejet’s ultimate goal?
That’s kind of what I’m trying to figure out. I started doing this all in fun not expecting to have such a following so I never had a goal in mind. Just wanted to make people laugh. That’s the goal, keep the people laughing.
What are you working on now?
I do freelance graphic design work at the moment. I’m working on putting together some merchandise. You know, the typical thing fake famous people do.
How can people find your work?
You can of course follow me on Twitter and Instagram at @PeejeT. I also have a website where you can contact me.
Be sure to follow @Peejet and check out more photos below.
Peejet’s other gig as Justin Beiber’s leg’s.