Kim And Kanye Plan A Spaced Out Honeymoon

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KimYe are taking their honeymoon where no couple has gone before

No one can deny that even though we’re only fourteen years in, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are the top contenders for the couple of the century.

It has been reported that one of their honeymoons will be in space. Kanye West will apparently be spending $1 million dollars per night for the CSS Skywalker, an inflatable spacecraft created by Bigelow Aerspace that hovers 250 miles above the Earth.

Kanye has always been in another world inand out of the studio. With his spaceship themed songs, album covers, videos and even an alleged interest in astronautical
engineering, this journey into new dimensions seems like the couple’s perfect opportunity to touch the sky. The Skywalker is sforgo take the Wests into the galaxy in 2015.

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)