Amazing Sushi Art by Takayo Kiyota

Amazing-sushiroll-art-by-Takayo-Kiyota-3Don’t play with your food, create art instead.

Takayo Kiyota is a chef who specializes in makizushi art, which is the artistic process of creating masterpieces out of sushi. Each individual tiny masterpiece is completely unseen until it is sliced for presentation. Once it is cut in half, each sushi roll reveals a visual that is arranged, sectioned off, and created with the assistance of coloured rice, vegetables and a great deal of careful thinking and planning.

Kiyota notes that any deviation in the placement of the ingredients can cause the project to be ruined before it is even revealed. These pieces of sushi definitely look good enough to eat, you may just not be able to knowing how much work goes into making these one of a kind rolls.

Check out the creative pieces of art below.
