Everybody’s questions have been answered
The Haves And The Have Nots-The SourceLast week on the hit show, The Haves And Have Nots, Hanna has not been receiving good news and continues where it left off last week as Hanna was begging Tony to see Benny before he dies. Just as she got there, Benny was gone. When Candace left the hospital, she told Jeffery that she only feels one type of emotion, which is anger because she never got the chance to say goodbye. David, Maggie and Jim went to march for Lizzie and they discovered that Wyatt’s face is on the the t-shirt for the march.

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This week on the season finale, everybody questions have been answered about Benny. Jim and David are getting ready for their party to become governor. Hanna is still in county jail but nobody is telling her what’s going on. Jeffery decides to go to the party alone but guess who’s there? Landon. Landon was the guy that he met at the club and they pretend that they didn’t know each other. While jogging in the park, Amanda see her professor that raped her and she stabs him in the shoulder.

Candace makes an appearance at Jim and David’s party and she drops a bombshell on everyone that she is pregnant with his baby. She tries to bribe Jim to buy her a new condo and two new cars. She tells them that Benny is dead but little do she know that he was moved. He eventually agrees to it but little does she know, he has plans to set her up. Detective Bryon revealed to Jim that Hanna told the local police about Wyatt killing the little girl Lizzie and Benny.


Wyatt finally got arrested and Jim was going to get him out. Kathryn finally got a hold of Hanna and she tells her that she was in jail. She made a phone call to a good friend of her’s to get her out and Jim calls her to reveal that Wyatt is in jail. Towards the end of the show, Jim and Candace finally meet at the park and he is trying to get her to get rid of the baby but she is not backing down. He ends up kidnapping him and putting her in the van preventing her to tell people about their relationship.

Hope you enjoyed this season!

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)