Watch GZA Drop Science On High School Youth With New Program, Science Genius

wu tang, gza, science, Christopher Emdin, Columbia University, Teachers College

Wu-Tang is for the children. As we all know, the GZA‘s knowledge base extends far beyond spitting timeless, unforgettable lyrics. The co-founder of the Wu-Tang Clan is highly educated in the sciences and recently created a program, Science Genius, to enrich the high school students in that field. Science Genius was created with the assistance of Columbia University’s Christopher Emdin and Rap Genius.

The pilot program met with great success in terms of recognition and results: participating schools saw an increase in regents exams scores and 15-25% in attendance.

GZA has lectured at Harvard, Oxford, USC, MIT, NYU, Cornell, and JPL/NASA. In his travels, he has met with a myriad scientists to seek inspiration for his forthcoming album entitled DARK MATTER, which will be released Spring 2014. The project is a natural extension of his longtime fascination with the cosmos. “I will take a quantum leap and discuss the universe while taking us on a journey through deep space. Traveling at lightspeed from the galactic center of one galaxy to the farthest corners of another. I hope my listeners will enjoy this cosmic adventure within a world of colossal planets, gas giants, meteorites, comets, and asteroids in the most extreme conditions.

In the video below, GZA, drops some knowledge in one of his many areas of expertise. He lectures the high school youth for a few minutes, but what he says can be absorbed by all ages. Enjoy.

Matt Whitlock – @mattwhitlockPM