Donald Sterling Says He Could Sell the Clippers For $5 Billion

After missing day one of the hearing, Donald Sterling rolled into the courtroom on Tuesday to plead his case on who gets to sell the Clippers.  His wife Shelly Sterling struck a deal with former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to sell the Clippers for $2 billion.  Shelly believed she had the right to complete the sale due to a doctor’s diagnosis of Donald being mentally incompetent.  Donald says the diagnosis is wrong and he’s perfectly fine, leading this hearing to take place to finally decide who legally has the right to sell the team.

Donald was his usual eccentric self saying things like, “It’s ludicrous to think she could run a corporation. She’s beautiful, but she can’t run anything”, in reference to his wife Shelly.

He also called Shelly’s lawyer a “smart ass.”

Donald told the court he believes he could strike a better deal than Shelly for the Clippers, saying he could fetch between $2.5 and $5 billion for the team.

h/t TMZ

– Shaina Auxilly (@Shay_Marie)