Her Source Exclusive | Sarah Vivan Dishes On Her Radio Career, Lil Wayne, And Her Kids

We got the chance to sit down with radio personality Sarah Vivan as she opened up to us on her family life, her radio career, and transitioning from Cincinnati to Atlanta.

Check our our exclusive interview below:

Who inspired you to do radio?

Sarah Vivian: Honestly, it was just a friend of mine and I were talking. My original career choice was styling, that’s what I went to college for originally and I realized that as I got into it, I realized I wasn’t really passionate about it anymore. So a friend of mine was sitting and talking with me and they were just like “I think you should just try radio because you like to talk and you always have a lot to say, and it might be fun” and I was like “no, how do you event get into radio?” When I researched it, I went to a broadcasting course and I just fell in love with it. They gave me the idea, but I don’t know about inspiring, it’s probably my kids really.

Who was your favorite person to interview?

S.V.: Probably Rick Ross because he was a lot of fun. He kept it real, the questions we were asking him, him and Jeezy had just back cool at the time and I asked him about it, he just kept it real so Rick Ross was a lot of fun.

Has Wayne supported your radio career?

S.V.: Yeah, he’s always very supportive of things I’m interested in.

Who was your least favorite person to interview?

S.V.: I remember I interviewed Karlie Redd right around the time they supposedly had the big fight at Benzino and Stevie J.’s opening and so the night before I called her and asked her  is she wanted to come in and interview and talk about the fight and she was like yeah … should I bring all these people because that was what the fight was about and all this juicy stuff and then she gets there and I asked her and she was like “oh no I didn’t fight. I wasn’t involved. Nothing happened.” I was like okay “why are you here?” It was really frustrating but yeah that happens sometimes.

Coming from Cincinnati to Atlanta what is it like working in Atlanta?

S.V.: Well, obviously it’s really different because in Cincinnati we don’t have any “celebrities”. The Bengals players are like the closest that you get. It’s really different and you just go on out to eat and  you could see somebody so I think a lot of people are used to seeing celebrities here. The positive thing about it is I feel like Atlanta is like a big family, we all know each other and work with each other and it’s kind of easy to network and get more opportunities in Atlanta than it was Cincinnati.

Have your kids been to the radio station?

S.V.: I actually just took them with me yesterday and they sat. My sister usually, they stay home with her or they’re visiting grandparents. They just got back in town this week and my sister had something to do yesterday so they came with me and they love it. It’s an easy environment to bring them to and they like sitting there and watching mommy work. Sometimes they want to hop on the mic, but then they get shy, it’s really cute.

Since Angie Martinez is no longer at Hot 97, would you consider working for them one day?

S.V.: I would always be open to an opportunity you know, and I don’t like to take those opportunities for granted and I would kind of be nervous you know cause it’s Angie Martinez taking her place, but I would definitely be open to it, yeah!

You can follow the talented radio personality on social media on both Twitter & Instagram at @sarahvivan. You can listen to her on the radio from 2-6 every Monday-Friday on Streetz 94.5 in Atlanta.

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)