Metta World Peace Will Once Again Change His Name, And The New One Is Pretty Bizarre

He must be stopped.

The player formerly known as Ron Artest, and currently known as Metta World Peace, is looking to once again change his name and let’s just say if you thought “Metta World Peace” was an odd name, it’s got nothing on this.

As a tribute to his new home, China, where he recently reached an agreement to play for the Sichuan Whales basketball team, and the province’s most beloved animal, Metta World Peace will change his name to “Panda Friend” according to China Daily. The 34-year-old veteran, who’s been known in China as “Ci Shiping” during his time in there as it’s a direct translation of “Metta World Peace” took to Twitter to announce his name change a few days ago tweeting, “New Chinese name coming soon. You guys are going to love it!!!!” He couldn’t be more right.

You’d think someone would stop this guy from changing his name every year. Is there a cap? Apparently not. Anyway, we all can hopefully agree that “Friend” will look a lot cooler on the back of a jersey than “World Peace”, and for that, we’re great full. Play on Panda, play on.


Khari Clarke might just change his name as well, give him some suggestions on Twitter (@KINGCLARKEIII).