Hood Health 101: The Science Of Responsible Commentary

This week’s edition of Hood Health deals with watching what comes out of your mouth!

I can recall a time when we valued our image and the image of our families, friends, as well as the brothers and sisters within the general community. It was called cultural pride or self-respect, both of which promote respect for others. Where that has gone, I don’t know. I will say that in a world of Love and Hip Hop, Basketball Wives, or Real Housewives of (pick any city), I do understand what the media feeds us and what manyregurgitate in their lives. We are now live in an era where “keeping it real,” is the excuse for publically unacceptable and unbecoming behaviors. Beloveds, we have to begin to understand that someone is always watching and you never know who that person may be. I am not advocating that you act other than your own self. I am simply stating that it is not wiseblock your blessings or miss opportunities because of not knowing how to act in a civilized manner as you maneuver in public. Whether you believe it or not the image that you present to the public is your brand. Like Pepsi, Coke, and Frito Lay is a brand, so are you. Companies spend millions each year to convince you that their brand is greater, bigger, and somehow better than the others.

It’s called marketing. Your behaviors market yourself, your religion, your culture, your ethnic background and more. Now that we can presumably understand how vital it is to control our image, we also have to understand that for some, one individual is considered to be a representation for the majority of the individuals within that particular group. Now I know that this concept makes no logical since, but reality doesn’t always make sense right. As we move throughout or daily lives we have to understand the interconnectedness of it all. There is no such thing as just you. My friends, you are connected to a network of individuals each representing themselves and the collective whole to whatever degree. Keep this in mind as you express opinions or thoughts about yourself and those within your immediate or extended circles. Recently, I had an experience that directly relates to this topic. I was placed in a position to respond to comments that were a bit stereotypical and a tad bit offensive. Thankfully, I was quick to respond in an intelligent manner that was unexpected and left the individual speechless. I did a podcast on the experience which I have included below. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @Melanated_Beauty


-Nakeasha Johnson(@NakeashaJ)
