And It Won’t Stop: Nike Roshe Run “Midnight Navy”

At this point you’re either on the Roshe Run bandwagon or waiting for everyone to hop off of it. Either way, Nike has everyone wearing them from your baby cousin to your grandmother (hell, even my grandmother), & this is a trend that shows no sign of stopping anytime soon. Next up in the Roshe line? Midnight Navy.

While the dark trend is nothing new, black & dark grey, blue & burgundy shoes have been popping up everywhere, and naturally Nike has made sure they stay ahead of the trend. Dressed in Midnight Navy from heel to toe, these Roshes are available now for $115 over at Get a better view of them below & decide if you want to cop.



K.R.E.A.M. (Kicks Rule Everything Around Me)- Kairi C. Follow her on Twitter @_findingforever.