(Video) Grand Theft Auto 5 Will Receive An Amazing First-Person View Option

Think ‘Call of Duty’ meets ‘Need For Speed’.

When Rockstar announced Grand Theft Auto 5 would be rereleased for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One the excitement surrounding  the announcement was met with the unanimous question “what will be new?” While fans of Rockstar’s infamous Grand Theft Auto series would probably buy the game even if the the reissue was merely the same game with better graphics — it looks like we’re in store for much more.

Rockstar has released footage for the upcoming, next-generation console version of the game, and while promises they’ve made over the past months of new vehicles, missions, and enhanced graphics seem to be accounted for, the biggest addition is the game’s new first-person view mode. The series has be historically third-person, but considering the popularity and success of first-person POV titles — Halo, Call of Duty — Rockstar will provide users with a new perspective to engage in all the crime Los Santos has to offer. Grand Theft Auto 5 drops for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One on Nov. 18.