Charles Barkley: Grand Jury Was Right Not To Indict Darren Wilson

Former NBA player and current commentator Charles Barkley has some strong opinions on Ferguson

The TNT analyst is in agreement with the grand jury’s decision not to indict Michael Brown’s shooter Officer Darren Wilson. “The true story came out from the grand jury testimony,” Barkely said, adding that “three or four witnesses, who were black, said exactly what the cop said.” Barkley believes that the media is to blame for spreading misinformation about the case.

During his interview on Philadelphia sports radio station 97.5 The Fanatic, Barkley also unleashed on Ferguson rioters. “Those aren’t black people, those are scumbags,” he said.


He claims the rioters only targeted minority owned businesses. “There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people’s businesses, burning down police cars.”

Barkley is known for these types of comments, which echo the sentiment he expressed after George Zimmerman’s not guilty verdict. “Well, I agreed with the verdict. I feel sorry that young kid got killed. But they didn’t have enough evidence to charge him,” Barkley said in 2013.

Some think that celebrities should stop being spokes persons’ and experts for issues outside of their field. Barkley is wrong on the law. A Grand Jury proceeding is only for deciding if there is enough evidence to charge someone.

-Tamara El (@_SheWise_)