Listen To Blended Babies’ “North Korea” Ft. Donnie Trumpet

Sony may have decided to release The Interview, but everyone will forever remember them for first backing down at the threats of North Korea. Chicago’s production group Blended Babies feel no such threat. They recently released this instrumental that features Donnie Trumpet, which will be part of a future instrumental project in 2015. As much as we’d all love to listen to this and shout out artists who would go perfectly over this beat, it’s also a great track to just listen to on its own. Here’s what they had to say about it:

This is about a year and a half old. Just a random jam made when Donnie was at the crib. We originally named it “North Korea” because of some news headline at the time. Played it for a ton of A-list and underground artists and they all loved it but everyone kept telling us to put it out as an instrumental because they loved it as is. It is the first single off of a new Blended Babies instrumental album thats finished that we are releasing in 2015. Due to recent headlines we felt the world needed this. Fuck censorship of any kind. Freedom of expression is essential to keeping our culture and society honest. Let the audience decide whats worth watching and listening to. #TEAMAMERICA

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Bryan Hahn is sure North Korea would enjoy this song, if they heard it. He’s on Twitter (@notupstate).