Jesse Jackson Makes Stop In Birmingham To Discuss Fight For Equal Rights

Civil rights icon Jesse Jackson spoke in Birmingham, Al. this weekend, addressing the ongoing need for equal rights

Former Presidential candidate and civil rights activist Reverend Jesse Jackson discussed a number of issues during his Saturday night press conference at Birmingham’s Bethel Missionary Baptist church. These topics included voting rights and equal opportunity employment, however, Jackson ignored a federal ruling allowing same sex couples to marry in Alabama starting this Monday, despite it being listed as a topic of discussion on the press release.

“Don’t want to discuss that. I really don’t want to discuss that. It’s, it has its place and it’s law, but it’s a diversion from the subject I’m on tonight. I’m concerned about stacked and packed districts. About the diminished right to vote. About corporation not having fair hiring and contract policies. Please, allow us to have our own press conference tonight. We can talk about that another time.”

Reverend Jackson also made sure to credit President Lyndon B. Johnson for his contribution to civil rights, referring to him as “the most productive civil rights president since Abraham Lincoln”.


“The `64 Civil Rights Act, Lyndon Johnson, the ’65 Voting Rights Act, Lyndon Johnson. The ’68 Fair Housing Act, Lyndon Johnson. Strengthening social security, Lyndon Johnson.”

As for the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Reverend Jackson says it can no longer be celebrated because it no longer exists.

“I got the distinct impression that many will be marching across the bridge on March 8th or 9th, that weekend, thinking they are marching behind the Voting Rights Act of 1965,” Jackson stated. It was diminished and undercut June 25th, 2013 in Shelby.”