Closed Sessions, the leading independent Hip-Hop label in Chicago, has already experienced an impressive level of success with its sole emcee, Alex Wiley. Of course, they’ve had a hand in the development and exposure of other artists as well (Odd Couple, A-Villa, Mic Terror, Vic Mensa, Tree). They recently signed their second rapper, Kweku Collins, who is bound to boost the label’s stock even more.

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Kweku is an Evanston, IL native. You may catch him on his skateboard on the streets when he’s not in the booth or at a show. His music is super melodic and will calm the nerves on any given day. His Worlds Away EP (below) gained him a lot of attention, including Closed Sessions, and today he recently released a new song to help celebrate his move. Although he’s still in high school, it’s clear that he’s got a clear vision of what he wants his music and emotions to convey. Here’s what he had to say about “Start A Fire”:

I made this track at like 9 am. We had a late start at school, so I had some extra time. Everything came together mad quick. The lyrics came out hella easy. I had just signed to CS, and was brimming with excitement, which I tried to convey on this track. I made tweaks here and there over the next couple weeks.

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Bryan Hahn would love to hear Thom Yorke on a remix of this. He’s on Twitter (@notupstate).


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