The moment has finally come! After months and months of hard work and a few sneak peeks, Baltimore’s own Malik Ferraud has released his long-awaited free album INFINITY. The 14-track (and 3 bonus track) project aims to inspire and motivate anyone with a dream, and most importantly it caters to anyone who appreciates good music. The lyricism’s on point, the message is meaningful and the production is over-the-top. Malik has truly outdone himself.
The free album features King LosCurtis Williams and Baltimore spitters Lonnie Moore and Bekayo. The original production was handled by DJ Black Diamond, Nefarious, GoldSoul, Shark, JuJuan Allen, Henry Stuart and more. You can and should download it here.

About The Author

Azeem is a 26-year-old Pakistani-American Muslim living in Brooklyn, NY. He graduated from Boston University in 2010 with a, B.A in Biology, and from Boston University in 2012 with an M.A in Medical Sciences. He is a currently a freelance business development consultant for startups.

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