Earlier this week, First Lady Michelle Obama was featured in an awesome 3-D interview with technology news and media site, The Verge.

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In the innovative sit down, the FLOTUS discussed how she mastered the use of social media and its impact on various initiatives she’s part of, including ‘Let Girls Learn,’ aimed at providing girls across the globe the opportunity of education.

“This generation, they’re looking for authenticity, they’re looking for what feels real and natural,” Mrs. Obama explained in the interview. “We know we have to meet young people where they are — they’re not watching the nightly news, they’re not watching the Sunday morning shows, they’re not reading the newspapers. They’re on their phones.”

Taking full advantage of having the FLOTUS grace their presence, The Verge also conducted a special photo shoot. In a simply chic black and white ensemble, Obama slayed while discussing the benefits of social media.
 Check out the interview and photos below:
