Trap Beckham is living up to his name as a rapper whose forte is getting the party started. The Jacksonville, Florida rapper is a Def Jam signee who emerged on the college scene and soon entered the radio and club circuit. His songs “Top Of The Line” and “Birthday Chick” were instant favorites, earning him a solid spot in the trap genre.

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Trap says his music is a reflection of his life and is meant for people to have fun with. “I’m from the south, so the type of tempo I rap to is one for people to twerk with.” Trap says that artists like T-Pain and Kanye West helped to shape his musical ear and outlook professionally.

Top Of The Line is also the name of Beckham’s mixtape, which dropped July 14. He says he releases projects annually on the date, which is also his birthday. The rapper, producer, and entertainer revealed the journey to get where he is hasn’t been easy as an introverted artist, but he’s getting better with time. We chopped it up with Trap to get the scoop on his past and what we can expect in the future.


How did you get started?
I got started by just listening to the radio and developed a love for music.

When did you realize it was more than just a hobby or a passion?
Around 12 I realized it was a passion. I had this talent show and I performed a song I made on a tape recorder with a pencil in my fist, and that’s when I realized I’m doing this with nothing, but I’m making something.

How do you describe your sound?
It’s backdoor music and versatile. There’s not one stamp on it. When I say back door it’s like, the truth about relationships and truths about the whole world. I say things that people are scared to say, the real, the facts.

Who are your influences? What is some advice that has stuck with you?
I am influenced by greatness like Michael Jordan, 2Pac, Biggie, Serena Williams and Lebron James. If you’re great I’m rocking with you.

What do you hope people take away from your music?
To have a good time. It’s like a party. I want people to know what it’s like to live my lifestyle and experience the dynamics of a guy who could’ve been anything in life. A thin line separates a doctor from a dope boy; one mistake or felony can take all that away and leave the streets as your only option. I want people to walk that thin line with me.

How long have you been doing what you do?
I’ve been recording since 14, so I’m rolling in on 10 years now.

Is there an early memory you’d like to share about getting into your craft?
When I rapped in front of a school, on a beat that wasn’t legit and the audience vibed with the performance. That was a major moment for me.

About The Author


MMusa is a content creator and lover of good music. As a young woman in hip-hop, she is a shameless super-fan of the women who paved the way with style and originality, allowing others to do the same. When she's not perusing the internet for independent hip-hop she's marveling at the ever-changing face of media.

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