Wu Wear Has Relaunched And Each Member Will Have Their Own Collection

The fruit bowl of the Wu-Tang Clan’s strategic entry into the music industry is one with many longstanding pedigrees. In 1995, Wu Wear became the leading streetwear clothing brand of the era, and it was only because of the brand’s ability to capture the fervor of their famed brand ambassadors.

In light of a new partnership with the merchandise division of Live Nation, RZA and Power (aka Oliver Grant, original Wu-Tang Clan member) have made the decision to revanche the classic Wu Wear clothing emblem.

“As we all know — Wu-Tang is forever,” RZA recites to The Hollywood Reporter. “This line will represent the original aesthetic and the same purpose as classic Wu Wear, with updated silhouettes and design to reflect current fashion sensibility.” Wu Wear’s relaunch also falls right alongside the 25th anniversary of Wu-Tang’s heralded debut album, 36 Chambers.

The line’s profile is blatantly unisex, serving window shoppers with windbreakers, long-sleeved t-shirts, short-sleeved tees, Wu beanies and snapbacks. Majority of the merchandise is stamped with the iconic Wu-Tang globe and “W.”

Over the years, RZA, who is the ringleader of the legendary hip-hop collective, has been greatly active in maintaining and expanding the value of the Wu-Tang brand and does not plan on slowing down.

“As the abbot of Wu Wear, all avenues of the brand are bounced by me for input — inspiration, design, and bodies — everything. I review with my partners in Wu Wear and we come up with freshest collection,” he says. Power has been brought on to serve as the brand’s “historic creative consultant.”

RZA revealed that the revamped Wu Wear features special input from each Wu member, which will bring forth individually potted collections that will commemorate key moments of Wu-Tang’s career. Ghostface Killah reportedly will be the first member to launch a Wu Wear sub-collection.

The classic brand will be sold in shops such as Urban Outfitters, exposing its modernized fad to the new generation.