Last week Jay-Z’s Made in America festival was in the news after an “eviction” from its location in Philadelphia, its home since 2012. Hov penned a letter in response to the mayor’s decision, which highlighted the benefits the fest brought to the rea in regards to revenue and tourism. With MIA seemingly needing a new home, the city of Milwaukee throws their hat in the ring.

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Alderman Khalif Rained issued a letter to Roc Nation revealing the city of Milwaukee hosts multiple festivals a year and would be the perfect location to replace Philly.

“I and my community have known for years the entrepreneurial spirit and remarkable
success of this event and admired particularly the way it built the foundations of this success in the minority community. A city-wide impact of $100 million does not come easily and, representing as I do an area of the city where people of color can struggle to find employment, your hiring of 1,000 people a day is equally impressive,” Alderman Rainey wrote to Desiree Perez, COO of Roc Nation.


The details written to Perez from Rainey were in response to the questioning of Mayor Kenney by Jay-Z who boasts a rise in tourism and income that could be linked to the arrival of the festival.

The letter was signed by Rainey along with four additional aldermen and alderwomen in the Milwaukee area. Take a look at the full letter by visiting here.

About The Author

Senior Editor

Shawn Grant is a Chicago native and the Senior Editor of The Source Magazine. He can only be found on Instagram and Twitter at @shawnxgrant.

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